Nutrition science is complex, and in my experience, the best diets are drafted by a registered dietitian that practice personal dietetics.

Over my many years of coaching people in health and fitness, I have never met two bodies that were alike; therefore, it is unlikely that there will ever be one diet appropriate for all people. The world would be a boring place if that were the case!

Having said this, the human body does need certain types of foods to nourish, repair and grow.

Scientific research continuously supports and advocates a diet that is predominately plant based as the best diet for maintaining a fit body and mind.


Is a healthy body, over weight or under weight?

Obesity is targeted as the most prevalent form of malnutrition and is said to contribute to the increase in the occurrence of chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

However, research is showing that being above the prescribed healthy weight isn’t necessarily a health hazard. Providing a balanced diet is in place and it includes plenty of whole vegetables, little or no processed foods and regular exercise.

Our bodies have evolved to store energy, therefore, will naturally function better with more weight than less.

A body that is below a healthy weight can carry serious and debilitating consequences. Particularly in bone density, muscle development, and joint stability.

Body weight and health

Body weight does not necessarily determine health.  In 2014 researchers at the Cooper Institute in Dallas, found that people with higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness have less chance of early death than those with lower levels, even if they are considered overweight or obese.

Professor Paul Mcauley, at the University of South Carolina, says:

  •  “If you’re fit, it nullifies the apparent risk of high waist circumference or obesity. Fitness is a powerful indicator of physical health.”

This research appears at first to contradict other medical research that proves reducing body weight decreases the risks of developing metabolic syndrome (risk factors that raise your risk for heart disease and other health problems)

Deeper reading reveals that many researchers who focus solely on the weight loss number have not considered that often weight loss has involved some change in lifestyle, particularly in the form of introducing consistent exercising.

Weight loss is the side effect of a healthy lifestyle change that includes exercise. Fitness is the result, and it is what makes the difference in physical health, rather than weight loss itself.

Therefore, whether you believe you are under, above or an average weight; it is essential that you visit your medical practitioner and have a full check up at least once a year.

Prevention is better than cure and abnormalities are often found in routine screening. If you haven’t had a health screening in the last year, I advise you to make this part of your fitness journey and contact your medical practitioner as soon as possible.

We are made to move no matter our body’s weight and if we move with agility, strength, and purpose; we have the mental tenacity to achieve our heart’s desire and live the life we love with good health.


Live well with fitness

