Everyone has heard the self-help platitude: “We need to love ourselves before we can love anyone else.”  It sounds wise, but the truth is, we need to be taught to love some aspects of ourselves by the people around us.

Charlie Chaplin; who was best known as a comic actor in silent movies wrote:

As I began to love myself, I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first, I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF.

Many times we may feel we are not enough, and should find a way to “fix” our self.   Too often, we embark on health and fitness resolutions and when we fail to achieve the spangled promise of change, it leaves us feeling demoralized and saying…. “What’s wrong with me?”

The humbling reality is, the only way to learn self-love is by allowing our self to be loved for precisely what we feel most unsure and vulnerable – our failures.  When we can do this, we feel freedom and relief, we can then give ourselves permission to love in a more profound way.

No amount of positive self-talk can replace surrendering the need for perfection.  It is the gift of failure, and not of willpower that gives us our strength with the confidence to pursue our health and fitness for life.

This month we are working through mindset WELLth, and it will involve getting an understanding of what’s working and failing in your life.

Ask yourself “what’s wrong with me” and have it mean “what do I need to improve” then seek the help you need.

Group fitness with me is a good place to start, but I know many cannot get to my classes, and therefore I have made my program available online for you.

The advantage of cyber fitness is the freedom to choose your time and place for exercise. The disadvantage of cyber fitness is the freedom to choose your time and place for exercise…

Fitness is therefore not about the question, reason or aptitude; it is the answer that starts with the end in mind. Set your mind daily for 9 minutes of exercise as a minimum and WELLth will follow.

If you would like to learn more about WELLth let me know in the comments below. Or you can send me an email any time. Anna@SquareBoxFitness.com


Live well with fitness!


Written by Anna: Nutritionist and Exercise Therapist @SquareBoxFitness.com